Ethiopia Hotel Guide
searching from 382 accomodations in Ethiopia

Booking Request - Meridian Hotel

  Personal Information
First Name *
{Name of guest}
Last Name * Arriving From *
Email * Confirm Email * Telephone
  Booking Information
Room type * Occupancy
{Single room for single occupancy}
Room Rate USD
{Showing discounted rates when available}
No. of rooms * Adults * Children
{Age 4 to 15; additional charges may apply}
Airport Pickup *
{Only if offered by hotel}
Airline &
Flight No.
{For airport pickup purpose only}
Arrival Time *
Check-in * Check-out * Additional
{If any}
Fields marked with * are required
Refill & save part 2 to request multiple rooms

Personal Information Summary
Full NameEmailTelFaxArriving From
No personal details entered yet (step 1)
Booking Information Summary
No rooms details entered yet (step 2)
  Room(s) Advance & Processing Fee
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In order for us to better serve genuine travelers and discourage false booking requests as well as secure reservations, we charge one night's room fee and processing & PayPal fee.

First night's total room(s) payment: 0.00 USD
Processing and PayPal fee: 0.00 USD
Total payment: 0.00 USD

Clicking on the "Confirm Request" button below will take you to a secure Paypal page where you must complete the payment.

I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions

Confrence Organization

We provide a comprehensive and wide-ranging event planning and management service,

  • Conferences
  • Grand Openings
  • Receptions
  • Product Launches
  • Seminars
  • Trade Shows     

Our Special Offers

5 to 27% discounts at 14 accomodations and more to come...

  • No sub-standard hotels in this list
  • All at ideal locations
  • No pre-conditions!

Book Now!

For Adopting Families

We have identified 26 'Adoption Friendly' accomodations in Addis Ababa. These places recognize the needs of adopting families and offer :-

  • Privacy
  • Homey atmosphere
  • Child beds etc.
See them here


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